Sunday, May 23, 2010

Small town living

When we moved here, we not only moved from one country to another, but also from a city (Washington, DC) to a small village. Eventually we’ll probably end up moving to a slightly larger town in Sweden, but for now we’re enjoying the peace and quiet out here in the countryside. Hopefully when we move we’ll still be able to make frequent trips up here.

On my way "downtown".

We jokingly call the nearby town of Furudal “the city” or “downtown”. There’s a small restaurant, a café/bakery/pub, a gas station and grocery store, and a small convenience store. Everybody knows everybody in a town this size, so you’re almost guaranteed to find somebody you know at the café.

Downtown in the big city.

“Downtown” Furudal sits right on a little bridge between two lakes. The lakes are clean, clear, cold, and calm. When the sky is blue, the lake reflects the sky like a mirror. It’s a nice change from urban rivers where you feel like you might get hepatitis if you fall in.

Big, clean, clear (and cold) lake.

The village is surrounded by logging roads and trails that wind through the forest. North of the village the public road ends, and there’s literally nothing but logging roads. Next to town is a series of tracks through the woods for skiing in the winter and walking or running in the summer. There’s a long hiking trail that passes near the village called Siljansleden (Siljan is the biggest lake in the area and “leden” means “the trail”), along with some smaller trails. A friend from town and I have started running regularly on the trails in the area, along with his dog Spikey.

One of my running partners.

It's really nice to get away from the city for a while. It's a lot easier to put things in perspective when you're out in nature on a daily basis and away from the stress of a city where everybody is trying to seem important. I think living out here for a bit is just what I needed.


  1. Hej

    I am glad you are settling into Swedish pace of life...such a small, small, world! We are practically neighbours. We live close to Voxna bruk. I dont want to post exactly where on here but email us
    you would be very welcome to stop by and visit if you passing on your way to a bigger town like Edsbyn or Bollnas.:-D. And we are hoping to head to Orsa bear park soon with the boys...bear spotting lol!
    Har en bra helgen!

  2. Tack, Swedishouse! It is a small world, I've driven by Voxna Bruk before. It would be fun to meet some other folks who moved out here. Orsa bear park is fun, although I haven't been there since a visit a few years ago. We might go there when my brother-in-law and family are here for Midsommar.

  3. My pace of life changed so much, even moving here to the south where there are cities nearby. I used to marvel at a day I had not driven anywhere, or bought anything, now it is often a week between when I get behind the wheel of a car or get to even a food shop. We went to a busy plant store today and it made me dizzy with the crowd. I was laughing at myself wondering how I ever lived in a place where the streets are packed with just stores and stuff and cars for miles. I am so easily overstimulated now after having a chance to be in peace. It will be a nice change, esp. coming from where you do!!!

    SwedishHouse... saw your post on your Rattvik barn, and this comment! Funny! We can have a blogger meet up near midsommar, we will be up visiting for two weeks :) We will likely head to the bear park!

  4. Those lakes are good for hair washing, too. In case the plumbing ever goes out... I miss you guys! Hugs to you both. :)

  5. I remember some of those places! Great to see the pictures.

    But.......this is the mother in me speaking.....wear a helmet when you ride a bike!!
